African Radio Research
In 2006 I was invited to spend six weeks in Addis Ababa, on a BBC World Service Trust training initiative for staff at Radio Ethiopia. The impact of this knowledge transfer project had an enormous influence my ongoing radio studies.
The project focused on the creation of educational radio campaigns designed to promote sexual health and reproduction awareness – and drew extensively on my past experiences as a Creative Director and commercial producer. The experience became the focus of my Masters dissertation on development radio. I have since spoken at several conferences on the subject and contributed a chapter titled Creating Health Related Radio Messages in Ethiopia for the Communication Journal of New Zealand, Volume 11, July 2010.
This work went on to inspire an extensive journey across Africa in 2010 in partnership with Birmingham City University’s International Department. I combined appointments with recruitment agents to meet potential applicants, alongside visits to student radio, community radio and state broadcasters in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria.
Edited interviews from this research have been made available on the website “Radio For Development” (R4D) which I created and have been maintaining since 2007. This site and its associated YouTube channel focuses on radio as an educational tool across Africa.
Between 2008 – 2009 I was a Research Fellow for an AHRC funded Knowledge Transfer Fellowship project headed by Prof Tim Wall at Birmingham City University, which included working as a media trainer for the charity CARE International. Part of this involvement included work on an audio-slideshow that focused on their work in Rawanda.
The following audio-slideshows (recorded in June / July 2010) were produced as part of an ongoing research project into the use of radio as a development tool. The interviews aim to highlight the important educational work carried out by various community and state radio broadcasters across Africa.
For more information about radio for development, visit; R4D